Our research areas
Our TBI research initiatives are focused on four key areas: Prevention,
Identification, Treatments and Training.
About the AENC
Learn about our background, our services and how to engage in Acute TBI
research at America's Premier Training Installation.
AENC in the news
Read our press releases and news articles regarding our announcements and
research activities.
Research background
Why we are involved in acute TBI research

At Army TRADOC installations, such as Fort Leonard Wood, as civilian's
transition into soldiers during Initial Entry Training (IET), followed by
Advanced Individual Training (AIT) the physicality of the training often
results in injuries to the Trainee's. It is estimated there are between 400
and 600 TBI's occurring annually, from training such as the Confidence
Course, the Grenade Range, the Vehicle Rollover Simulators, Pugil Stick
training and surprisingly, the barracks areas. (Many Trainees have never
slept in a narrow bunk bed before.) Further, in the more advanced training
such as the Military Police Take-Down training, and the Breacher Training,
TBI's are utterly predictable. The AENC is committed to reducing the burden
of TBI in our armed forces and works closely with the US Army and
Universities to foster research, thus increasing understanding and improving
the science of Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries.